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bloglike:2024-09 [2024/09/08 06:53] – created styblabloglike:2024-09 [2024/09/08 08:23] (current) – add GitHub Action self-hosted runner fail stybla
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  --- //[[|Zdenek Styblik]] 2024/09/08 06:44//  --- //[[|Zdenek Styblik]] 2024/09/08 06:44//
 +===== GitHub Action self-hosted runner fail =====
 +My problems with GitHub billing are long running joke which is getting better and better over time. However, that's another story and only one reason why I've decided to check GitHub's self-hosted runner out. Another reason was professional curiosity, of course, and the fact that I could use it to spin up virtual machines or docker containers "for free". After all, I'm penniless.
 +{{ :bloglike:gh_billing_bollocks_20240831_172450.png?direct&800 |}}
 +Unfortunately it seems that once GitHub deems there is a problem with your billing, then it will lock down everything including self-hosted runners. Self-hosted runner uses GitHub API after all and GitHub doesn't differentiate between hosted and self-hosted runners. Why should it?
 +This was a good expedition regardless and I've explored more than I originally thought.
 + --- //[[|Zdenek Styblik]] 2024/09/08 07:39//
bloglike/2024-09.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/08 08:23 by stybla