Issue 2014 - November

Writing shell in a portable way is ...

Well, I guess word issue is spot on just now. Writing shell scripts in portable way seems to be anything but easy and intuitive :-) Yes, I'm having a bit of an issue here. Small code snippet

    printf -- "Can I access date '%s' here as well?\n" "${DATE}"
printf -- "Today is %s\n" "${DATE}"
trap on_error 1 2 15
sleep 3600

Where is the problem at? It's in trap and the fact you can't use SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM and alike, but you have to use signal numbers. And to use #!/bin/bash as a solution? Please!

UPDATE: Actually, you can use HUP, INT and TERM according to this wiki page. Also, reading POSIX web page about trap is helpful ;-)

And don't get me wrong. I'm more or less making fun out of it. I didn't know or forgotten all about it. May be somebody will find this useful.