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Issue 2015 - October

Whoa, new entry after one year pause(without couple days).

Debian Wheezy to Jessie upgrade

What's there to watch out for apart from usual apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && sed -i 's/wheezy/jessie/g' /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get dist-upgrade -y? I've encountered couple snags.

1. systemctl: Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown error -1 which actually tracks to Debian Bug#763299. Long story short, you're still running SysVinit. apt-get install -y systemd-sysv && apt-get purge -y sysvinit sysvinit-core.

2. systemd won't boot your system up. Well, this might be dozen things. systemctl list-units -a | grep -i -e fail -e dead and go search. In my case, systemd had trouble mounting EFI partition and then it tried to mount USB flash that wasn't present. Couple comments in /etc/fstab and everything was fine and in working order.

But I'm fairly sure this is news as ever. This was an upgrade of my decommissioned laptop :-)

EDIT: I've actually added /boot/efi back later and everything worked. In other words, it might have been the clash of SysVinit and systemD.

Genius ZABIUS HS-G850 is dead

Actually, it has been dead for like a year. These headphones got mind of their own and started to mix whatever sound was passing through them. You really did get new and very annoying user experience. I've claimed warranty and surprisingly got my money back without any problem. Common issue then? Anyway, I've bought Sennheiser HD 439 instead. Obviously, not a gaming headphones. I hope they'll outlive warranty.