Original project page: http://www.slack-kickstart.org/
Pay the respect to original authors and contributors!
Project repository: https://git.zeratul.org/?p=slackware/Slack-Kickstart.git;a=summary
To clone repository:
git clone git://git.zeratul.org/slackware/Slack-Kickstart.git
Slack-Kickstart allows you to auto-magically install Slackware on your machine. This includes pre-installation and post-installation scripts, partitioning, CD/DVD/FTP/HTTP/NFS installation medium, tag lists, per machine Kick-Start config files via FTP/HTTP/NFS/script and such. Supported Slackware versions should be all up from Slackware-8.1. 32-bit version is untested(I have no interest in 32-bit version). Cross-platform(64-bit↔32-bit) is possible in theory, but untested and not recommended.
Slack-Kickstart is kind of clone to Red Hat's Anaconda. However, make no mistake, because Slack-Kickstart is no clone(although this is not contradicted for future development). It just imitates some behaviour.
As of now, my “forked” version of Slack-Kickstart doesn't have GUI for Kick-start configuration. Original one has this feature.
You can find more information in README.