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Issue 2014 - March

The easiest and the most stupid way to break Gorilla glass

It sure is easy. Just drop something, anything, on it's edge and there you go - you've new spider web theme on your phone/glass. I've managed to clip it with key - no extra force, no height, no anything. And there I was with damaged Gorilla glass on Samsung S3 which has survived fall from ~ 1m on hard ground as advertised. Yet it hasn't survived just a tiny tiny clip with the key.

And as for replacement? Forget it. You can either get your LCD+digitizer+glass replaced or not. Yes, yes, glass can be replaced, but by cheap sh** low quality copy from China. I really don't believe you can get anything near the original and actually made from real glass. But hey, feel free to proove me wrong. I mean, it seems to me like some people actually did get hold of some sort of glass, but I've found none.

Lesson learnt - buy a case for your phone and be damn careful with your keys.

bloglike/2014-03.1394613197.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/12 03:33 by stybla